01-16-25: Added sources page- so far, it only includes the Husk of Opulent Dreams articact set and the Surpassing Cup

01-15-25: Added a page for his weapon! Page for all direct sources is in process, trying to figure out how I want to format it

01-11-25: Added voicelines page because I realized it wouldn't take long

01-11-25: Added Simulanka page, which only has the Broken Sea portion so far

01-06-25: Made this page useful!


Welcome to my website :D

From what I've heard, it'd usually be called a "shrine" but I feel really weird calling it that. It's also not one yet, obviously.

Essentially, I'm planning on consolidating all information regarding the Wanderer from Genshin Impact. I know this is a very mentally ill thing to do, but I was gonna do it regardless and was initally going to use google docs but google docs is really bad for this kind of thing, and a website allows for a lot more freedom in organization. So here I am. I'm so glad I only have one person that knows about my online stuff.

A basic summary of his character will probably go here eventually. I have finals in a week and next semester I have two AP classes, so expect very very slow progress.

Until then, here's the stuff I'm currently looking through while gathering sources for everything! Most of it is older because back then people had to use everything we got to figure out his lore, and I'm trying to find everything about him

Scaramouche’s Past and Future, from “Husk of Opulent Dreams” Full In-Game Descriptions

There may be more about Scaramouche in the lore than we know (theory + speculations)

Theory about Scaramouche's origin

Rather Aged Notes in Tatarasuna

Scaramouche Lore - 2nd Betrayal Background, Rather Aged Notes

Apparently, Shakkei Pavillion's description has been changed in the beta. I wonder why..🤔(only including this because I'd rather die than use the genshin wiki, I have to use a chromebook so all those ads make it nearly impossible for anything to load)

Hoping I'm not the last one who noticed his signature dish description... I'm gawking rn LMAO

theories about the surpassing cup, its implications for scaramouche and baal, and notes about references to japanese history and mythology

If someone happens to be reading this and has something for me to look at, send me a DM on tumblr! or on neocities, but I don't know this website (website of websites? I mean, I guess it's still a website if roblox is a game) well enough to know if that's a thing people do

I spent the entire day on this isntead of prepping for my finals (math, english, and chem) and in all of their practice finals I did rather poorly,, I should be able to pass the class even if I fail the final, but it would tank my GPA,,,,,,,,,,,, debating if i even care about that tho

I don't even like him that much [lying]
